Many of us question the fact whether god is really there or not?! We all go through good times and the bad times... most of us remember I believe remember god only when we are in a bad situation... when the suffering gets unbearable... until then we dont even remember god or that supreme power... and when we see a miracle or good happening we get a hint somewhere in out heart that yes some super power is definitely there... I am sure most of us might have a story to tell to confirm a close encounter with Him... His existence...
When I was a young child I used to offer prayers to god and I really believed I was a God's child... there had been instances that made me put my faith in God.. Yes, ofcourse exam prayers were a part of such instances too... apart from these there had been incidences I believe god truly made me conscious in some way that led to a near tragedy like situation to be warded off... there have soo far many many such instances that I have felt in my heart beforehand... one of such instances was about someone very very close to my heart... that was a day when I felt very very depressed and concerned... I felt something wrong had happened and as if the surroundings too were giving me a hint of the happening that was occurring somewhere... I am talking about my younger brother... the day we lost him.... I had been getting constant signals that made me feel something wrong was going to happen but I did not act as per my instincts... had I acted had I been a bit proactive that day that time I might have saved him... I regret I didnt! It was September 28, 2014... my youngest brother was no more!!
A similar episode had happened recently during my last trimester of pregnancy... I was asked by my doctors to take complete bed rest as my baby wasn't getting enough food supply... I and my husband decided to send me to Kerala his hometown as there was a month and a half left for my due date which was in November... the day before I was to leave I had very traumatic instincts in my heart... I felt very very sad and very very gloomy.. I cried almost an hour I didn't know why my heart was trembling... but when I remember that day I know now... that god was trying to tell me something... he was trying to tell me maybe about a bad situation that going to happen in my life... the very next day I reached Kerala it was September 29, 2019... On September 30th we reached hospital for my pregnancy checkup.. the doctor who checked, did my sonography sounded quite alarmed...he said my baby was probably in trouble... he asked me to deliver the baby immediately... I was admitted by the nurse and the doctors took my baby out... at 5 in the evening of September 30th... I remember it was the second day of Navratri... and I again remember the day I lost my brother was in Navratri too... the "shraads", a month of prayer for the departed souls had already ended...
If I think about that day when I felt gloomy... I know god was trying to tell me that a bad time was going to start and that I would need to be careful and strong... if I hadn't decided to go to Kerala and had gone to Ahmedabad my parents' place maybe I would not have bothered to go to see the doctors on the very next day of my arrival there... and maybe if the Kerala doctors were perfectly right I would have lost my baby...
However, that saved my baby there but I did land into a situation I can't get out of now... this situation wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone to Kerala... but maybe I would have been dead without my baby either... !!